What is Online Proctoring? How the Institute is providing flexibility through the ability to complete your certification exam online.

Written by Communications Staff | Dec 11, 2020 5:00:02 PM

The Investments & Wealth Institute recently announced that the CIMA® and CPWA® Certification Exams can now be taken online through ProctorU, allowing candidates to complete their certification journey from any location where they have internet access and a computer with a webcam. This means that Institute candidates now have two computer-based-testing options to complete the exam portion of their certification:

    1. Sit for their exam in-person at a Pearson Vue testing center.
    2. Sit for their exams online with ProctorU.

What is ProctorU Online Proctoring?

The new online proctoring capabilities through ProctorU provide candidates greater convenience and flexibility in scheduling their exam, with 24/7 on-demand, live proctoring. This allows candidates to take the exam whenever they feel ready and at a time that best suits their lifestyle, while also eliminating traveling to and from a testing center. Many find that sitting for the exam in the comfort of their own home provides a more relaxing testing environment. The fully automated platform not only increases candidate access to online learning but ensures exam integrity and accountability for test-takers.

How is an online proctored exam different from in-person proctored exams like the SAT and ACT?

The reality is that online proctoring is very similar to testing at a testing center or via an in-person pen and paper proctored exam – except instead of the proctor being in the room with you, they are present via webcam. Just as you verify identity at the door of a testing center, you verify your identity with ID checks as part of the check in process by verify identity through providing I.D. to the proctor via the webcam. The proctor then reviews the process and procedures, performs the remote system and room checks before administering the test. The proctor maintains contact throughout the entire testing period via webcam. Just like testing at a testing center, a pass/fail result will appear on your computer screen immediately after completing the exam.

Candidates who have completed their exams through the online proctor option say the biggest difference is the room check. Before the exam begins, your proctor will ask you to show the four walls of your room as well as your desk space via your webcam. You will be asked to disable a secondary computer monitor if you use one. Your proctor will also verify that your cell phone is out of reach. However, everything else is comparable to testing in a testing center.

There are many reasons why one may choose the online proctor option. Many of the benefits that Institute candidates have reported include ease of use and scheduling, accessibility, being able to use a computer they are familiar with, and especially during the COVID pandemic, testing remotely eliminates health concerns. However, you choose to test, know that the Institute is here to answer your questions.

To see the most frequently asked questions about our new online proctoring option visit here, or reach out to our Customer Care Team by emailing customercare@i-w.org.