Times of extreme market volatility can be unnerving for investors, but in stressful times, changing a long-term investment plan can undermine investors' ability to achieve their investment goals. For investors in multifactor exchange-traded funds (ETFs), we believe it’s important to maintain a long-term and consistent focus in turbulent times. The size, value, and profitability premiums targeted by multifactor funds can materialize quickly, rewarding disciplined investors who are well positioned to capture them.
Discipline in volatile markets is key for multifactor ETF investors
If the Service Is Free, Then You’re the Product
There’s no shortage of free information out there. It’s everywhere you turn these days—social platforms, data, products, education, news, content. The sources of such information compete for your clicks, and then it’s not about adding objective value anymore. It’s about telling a story—a narrative that inevitably favors the owners’ interests over the users. But as historian and political commentator Niall Ferguson ironically explained at Schwab’s 2018 IMPACT conference in Washington, DC: "The...
Topics: Insider, financial advisors
A Tale of Times....
Ours is not a unique story. But I wanted to share a few words on how proud I am of the accomplishments of the volunteers and staff of the Investments & Wealth Institute. Maybe you are a financial advisor running a team or practice, or a fellow association executive or talent development professional running a business model that seems under assault, or you are just your everyday, average entrepreneurial LinkedIn drifter looking for real-life case studies of organizations and how they are...
Do not continue to let behavioral biases impact portfolio construction
“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” Oscar Wilde
Don’t continue to let behavioral biases impact portfolio construction. By acknowledging that advisors are subject to many of the same behavioral biases as clients new report, Mitigating the Impact of Advisors’ Behavioral Biases, will show advisors how they can improve their portfolio construction and management processes.
Topics: investments, wealth, retirement, retire, financial advisors
-Tony Davidow, CIMA®, President & Founder T.Davidow Consulting, LLC
Topics: ESG
Continuing Education Can Help Increase Employee Productivity and Retention and Create Organizational Happiness in the Long Run
Many experts agree that meaningful and valuable training not only increases morale but has a significant impact on the productivity of their advisors. In fact, the research group Gallup, found that one of the most important factors in creating a “high-performance workplace” is creating a culture that values the growth of individuals.
Topics: investments, wealth, retirement, financial advisors